We use the project guidelines below to ensure projects run smoothly and as quoted, as well as help you understand our processes.

Following these guidelines will ensure your project is completed in a timely manner.


This is done largely via email and telephone. Unless otherwise agreed, meetings would take place at our office. Feedback is best submitted in writing, as telephone or meeting notes can lead to miscommunication.


Prior to starting the project we will ask you for a design brief and list your requirements. Please give as much detail as possible to ensure the design is as intended. Based on this, we will design one concept for the website.

Our standard engagement allows up to one free redraft unless stated otherwise. Additional redrafts or multiple concepts are available at an additional cost.

We prefer to lead the creative process as we feel it leads to a better website. It is also quicker, which allows us to offer a discount in most cases.


Once approved, we will turn the design concept into a functioning website. At this point we will ask you to test things on different devices. Unless otherwise agreed, the mobile versions will be a re-sized / cut down version of the approved concept. At this point, changes to the design are more time consuming than if undertaken at the ‘Concept’ stage and therefore may be chargeable.


Once the homepage demo is signed off, we will start building the rest of the website, including configuring the content management software. We will regularly share work in progress to keep you in the picture.


At this stage, we will add / style the copy and photos you have supplied. As a common cause of delays, we recommend you start collating content ASAP. A final draft of text should be checked for spelling and grammar before it is submitted to us, as amending text can be time consuming and therefore may be subject to additional charges. We can offer a copy writing service for an additional cost if required.


After we have added the content, the website will be sent to you for final review before going live. Any amends should be sent in one go. Multiple stages of amends may be chargeable.


If your project is subject to a deadline, it is important that there are no delays to receiving feedback, content or information from yourselves or third parties. During the course of the project we will set reasonable mini deadlines for such information. If there is a delay, we will raise this with you as soon as possible and let you know if this is likely to effect the overall deadline (we reserve the right to extend the deadline by the length of the delay). We can’t take any responsibility if a deadline is missed due to circumstances outside our control.


On completion, we will give you instructions on how to use any software associated with your website. Any additional training would be done via telephone or at our office unless otherwise agreed.